Craig Land


Craig Land – clarinettist – was awarded an Encouragement Award in 2013.

Craig performed in all three concerts; the only Year 12 student to play during heavy assessment period; excellent rehearsal attendance record; capably played in first clarinet position for the first time.

Craig writes:

I have spent the generous $500 Barrier Reef Orchestra Encouragement Award to further my musical studies and give myself a head start in my teaching endeavours in 2014. I intend to sit my A.MUS.A for clarinet at some point this year or early next year, and accordingly, have used some of the money to purchase a selection of sheet music appropriate for this exam. Additionally, I spent a portion of the money purchasing various instrumental mouthpieces and reeds for saxophone, oboe and bassoon, so that I can continue developing my skills on these instruments. I also purchased various books and sheet music.

I am very grateful to North Queensland Ensembles for the generous award they have given me, and am striving to use this money to continue my development as an instrumentalist and teacher.

[April 2014 Newsletter]