Support the Barrier Reef Orchestra

Our Benefactors

We wish to thank our past and present benefactors for their generous support.

The 2023 benefactors are:
Carol Dall’Osto
Don and Mary Gallagher
Bruce Gibson-Wilde
Mal and Beth Heron
John and Beth Honeycombe
Simon & Lorraine McConnell
Bronia and Neil Renison
Andrew Ryder
Nita Vasilescu

… and others who wish to remain anonymous.

Help us continue to provide quality entertainment for the Townsville community by supporting the orchestra.

The North Queensland Ensembles Inc is a tax deductible fund listed on the Register of Cultural Organisations under Subdivision 30-B of the Income tax Assessment Act 1997, and as such, donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.

With a philanthropic gift of $200 or more (we leave that up to you) you can become an Orchestra Benefactor and be placed on our Benefactor Roll for twelve months. This Roll will be published in each concert program and on our website for twelve months. As a Benefactor you will also receive two complimentary tickets to our next concert and be placed on the mailing list for our newsletter.

Please complete the details below and press Submit, or download the form to complete manually.

  • Direct Debit to BSB 034-222 Account No. 173922. (Include family name as reference.)
  • Cash may be paid to the Treasurer or Secretary at one of our concerts.
  • Cheques are to be made payable to North Queensland Ensembles Inc. and posted to PO Box 576, Townsville QLD 4810.

Benefactor Contribution Details