96 Results for author: Barrier Reef Orchestra

Review: AFCM Queens Gardens Concert on 28th July 2019

Townsvillians and visitors have once again voted with their feet, legs, torso, arms and head and headed for the now annual Queens Gardens free concert organised by the Australian Festival of Chamber Music and Townsville City Council and featuring the Barrier Reef Orchestra, soloists from the Festival and 1RAR Band. E... More

Review: Tchaikovsky on 14th July 2019

It is a testament to the quality and ever-increasing reputation of Townsville’s Barrier Reef Orchestra that it continues to attract such a range or international conductors to lead it, and word has it that that there is a queue of conductors registering their interest to perform here. This time the ensemble was under ... More

President’s Report to 2018/2019 Annual General Meeting

The past year has been an interesting and busy one for the Barrier Reef Orchestra. The renovations at the Civic Theatre kept us out of that venue for the first two concerts last year and now the floods this year have again kept us out for our first two concerts in 2019. We are hoping things will have returned to ... More

Review: New Worlds on 16th March 2019

Townsville gave its adopted prodigal son, Ukrainian conductor Theodore “Ted” Kuchar a warm and appropriate standing ovation at the conclusion of Saturday night’s performance with the city’s 60-piece Barrier Reef Orchestra. Now principal conductor of the Ukrainian Festival Orchestra, he conducts orchestras all ... More

Review: Stage and Screen on 27th October 2018

by Trevor Keeling With all the indications of a Royal Albert Hall Prom Night, the Barrier Reef Orchestra under the baton of Richard Davis was a triumphant evening of delight on Saturday evening for the concert entitled Stage and Screen. An orchestra is something that regional cities in Australia struggle to create ... More

Review: Music from Stage & Screen on 27th October 2018

by Billie Saint Rang The last 2018 concert from the Barrier Reef Orchestra (with friends) was a sensation. Our musicians shone in their collaboration with some notable supremoes from the Queensland Orchestra. The night attracted the young(er) turnout and they, along with the BRO’s loyal concert-goers, packed the ... More

Review: Sacred & Secular on 18th August 2018

The uncertainty of availability of a venue led the Orchestra to consider something different in 2018. The availability of a Pipe Organ in the St. James Cathedral brought to mind many beautiful pieces written for the Organ and Orchestra, consequently presenting a concert in the Cathedral almost wrote the program for the ... More

Review: AFCM Queens Gardens Concert on 29th July 2018

Once again Townsvillians and their visitors from all over the world gathered under the figs, milky pines and tamarinds for a concert in Queens Gardens to participate in and listen to some enjoyable music written over the centuries. This concert, in its fourth year, is arranged by the Australian Festival of Chamber Music ... More

2018 Annual General Meeting

NORTH QUEENSLAND ENSEMBLES INC BARRIER REEF ORCHESTRA ABN: 73-365-249-138 NOTICE OF 2018 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING All members are advised that the Annual General Meeting (AGM), of North Queensland Ensembles Inc will take place at Pimlico Performing Arts Centre Fulham Road Pimlico on Sunday 27th May 2018, commencing at ... More

President’s Report to 2017/2018 Annual General Meeting

It seems no time since our last AGM which was held exactly 12 months ago. We have had a very busy and successful twelve months. The orchestra continues to grow in strength. We constantly seek recognition as an important part of the Townsville Community and we need to keep building on the high profile role. We have ... More